Saturday, February 20, 2010

Today's NOS - " Success is Failure turned inside out - Anonymous "

Did u Know ?? - We all know that the first watch to go to moon was "Omega" but do u know which was the first underwear to reach to the moon ?
Along with Neil Armstrong, "Jockey Underwear" became one of the first things from Earth to land on Moon :)

Today's Question-

Can u relate the man on the left to Sachin Tendulkar ?
Sachin tendulkar came into a big controversy for importing a product of this man's company and was reluctant to pay the duty!

Answer to yesterday's question-

No need to answer as many cracked it !! Its iGate founder Mr. Phaneesh Murthy.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. dont know the man's name but sachin imported ferrari from his company,it was all over news,was a big mess!! :-)

  3. Yup...!!! The man in the pic is Ferrari's founder Enzo Ferrari.
